College Exploration
College Exploration
Counselors at RAS can help you find colleges and postsecondary education programs that can prepare you for a rewarding career of your choice! Call today! (916) 792-3952
A number of good websites can also help you learn about your college options:
- About Your Higher-Education Options in California - includes an overview of the four major higher education systems in California (the California Community Colleges, the California State University, the University of California, and California Independent Colleges).
- - helps you find out how affordable a college is so you can make the best decision about which college to attend; also includes a link to a fantastic college search tool called College Navigator (
- - includes a feature to "Find Training" and "Find Certifications" for each career you read about, searchable by ZIP code.
Choosing a College
- College 101 - Tips for finding colleges that match just what you're looking for, and much more.
- The ACT: Choosing a College - Advice from the ACT for making this very important decision.
- "Top 15 Mistakes to Avoid..." - Some ideas to help you avoid common mistakes when choosing a college.
Making College Visits
- The Princeton Review: The College Visit - More helpful advice from the people at the Princeton Review.
- The ACT: Virtual College Visit - Use the web to learn more about potential schools.
- BigFuture: Campus Visit Checklist -- Helps you make the most of your college visits!
College Majors
- Majors and Careers - Read about college majors and how to choose the one that’s right for you.
- The Princeton Review Majors Search – Interactive search page with all sorts of good information and guidance about majors and related occupations.
- Rutgers University College Majors and Careers – Fact sheets with career opportunities related to different majors.
- What Can I Do With a Major In...? - Learn about the various careers of UC Berkeley grads with different majors of study.